About Me

Born and raised in the midwest, I’ve always had a knack for creativity and problem-solving. My inquisitive nature has always wanted to know the “why” things work the way they do. Is there a better and more efficient way to get the job done? I obtained a Purdue degree in graphic design in 2012 and now I am taking my talents to the tech industry by becoming a full-stack web developer. Everything from HTML, CSS, React, to Javascript all produce engaging web applications and I am here to immerse myself in those areas.

My Playbook on Life...to win
Live To Learn
Love Your Success
Give Back

A face to A name

Want to know more? Connect with me on my socials or email me.



These foundational skills can produce highly engaging apps. I take pride in knowing them.

Do I know any other concepts or have any Backend knowledge?... Glad you asked. Things like Node js, Typescript, Authentication, Express, Databases all play apart in my full full-stack education. I have working knowledge to be an asset to a team.

Various Projects

Concepts designed using frameworks mentioned above along with other skills. Check My github for the full project code/crud functionality. Better yet let's discuss over zoom, slack? If you're really interested.